应陕西省111 “交通-能源-信息”多网融合与自洽技术学科创新引智基地邀请,加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学的Julian Cheng教授将于7月22日至27日在本部学术中心第一会议室线下亲自讲授“与国际学者共建高水平研究生暑期课程”——Elements of Scientific Writing: Preparing for Top Conference and Journal Publications《科技论文写作:顶级会议和IEEE期刊论文的写作要素》。真诚欢迎老师和各位同学前来体验世界一流大学的授课方式,并与名师当场互动交流。
Scientific writing for both conferences and journals is essential for research-based graduate students. In the current practice, a starting young researcher often learns how to write a scientific paper by mimicking authors of published papers, which can be misleading. His supervisor then laboriously, and perhaps even painfully, corrects the first manuscript draft. Both parties can end up with extreme frustration. Despite the importance of scientific writing, few universities have such a formal course that is specially designed for top conference and journal publications. The purpose of this course is to fill this gap. In this course (16 lecture hours), assuming that the students have intermediate-level of English language skills, we will cover the following elements of writing a scientific paper: essential units of a research paper and how to write abstract, introduction, methods, results and discussion; common English usage mistakes to avoid; effective writing principles; how to construct strong proses; how to write correct mathematical expressions and illustrate scientific results. We will also cover important topics such as how to communicate with the editors, as well as ethics associated with research publications.
时间 |
内容 |
地点 |
7月22日 14:00-17:30 |
Introduction and Research Ethics |
校本部学术中心第1会议室 |
7月24日 14:00-17:30 |
Common English Usage Errors; Principles of Effective Writing (Part 1) |
校本部学术中心第1会议室 |
7月25日 14:00-17:30 |
Principles of Effective Writing (Part 2) |
校本部学术中心第1会议室 |
7月26日 14:00-17:30 |
Writing Mathematics, Title, Abstract, |
校本部学术中心第1会议室 |
7月27日 14:00-17:30 |
Introduction, Conclusions; Communicating with Editors and Reviewers |
校本部学术中心第1会议室 |
Julian Cheng现为英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)终身教授,也是IEEE Fellow、IEEE 奥根分会的创始主席和UBC中国理事会成员。Julian Cheng教授于2017年起担任加拿大信息理论学会(CSIT)主席,他也是IEEE ComSoc无线电通信委员会(RCC)的主席。获得了英联邦国际认证专业工程师头衔。Julian Cheng教授担任权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Communications的领域主编,该期刊前身是1884年创刊的IEEE旗舰期刊之一Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers。他还曾先后担任IEEE TWC和IEEE WCL等权威国际刊物的副主编,以及IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)的客座主编等。已发表国际期刊论文近300篇,而且主要发表在信息、信号处理与运载技术各大权威期刊,论文被引用超过9308次,拥有i10-index的论文超过200篇。